
Weight Loss &

Contouring Laser



Weight Loss & Body Contouring: Cellulite Elimination, Weight Loss, Skin Tightening, Body Contouring, Spot Specific Fat Removal


Areas of Treatment

  • Arms (Biceps, Triceps, Armpit)

  • Waist (Upper, Lower, Love Handles)

  • Back (Upper, Lumbar)

  • Hips, Thighs, Hamstrings, Glutes

  • Chest (For Men)

  • Under Neck (Goozle)

It all started when…

InvisaRED Technology

InvisaRED is an FDA, IRB, and clinically proven device to provide weight reduction, fat reduction and inch loss. The technology accomplishes scalable weight loss with a precise combination of specific frequencies from both red and infrared laser energy.

The combination of dual coherent frequencies enables the laser to penetrate deep into the adipose tissue (subcutaneous fat) generating a significant response in cellular functions and stimulation of the body’s natural metabolism.

InvisaRED Technology stimulates cellular respiration, lymphatic function and increases the metabolism through the synthesis of Adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Th activation and efficiency of both the lymphatic system and metabolism are essential to achieve a patient’s weight loss goals.

Call today to talk to Molly, our InvisaRED Consultant to schedule your free consultation!